Is it an emergency?
Situations where the safety of people or property are at immediate risk.
- Fire
- Medical emergency
- A person has overdosed or is not breathing
- Crime in progress
Call 911

Do you or someone else in the community need help?
Situations such as:
- Someone is experiencing distress, mental health and/or substance use and needs assistance
- Someone is agitated or disruptive
- You are concerned about
someone's safety but no
act of violence or imminent
threat has occurred - A person seems to need or want more help than you feel able to offer
- You are concerned about someone's mental health and/or substance use
Call Here2Help
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm - 10 pm.

Individuals experiencing or witnessing a mental health crisis can access the Toronto Community Crisis Service.
Call 211 or 911
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can also call Gerstein Crisis Centre crisis services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: